Six Tips to Hire the Right Sales Rep

Six Tips to Hire the Right Sales Rep

As a hiring agency, we place candidates in CRO roles, inside sales roles, and every role in between. We mainly focus on placing people within emerging tech and digital transformation teams. Regardless of what your focus is, follow these six tips to hire your next sales rep.

Three Keys to Hiring Your Next VP of Ecommerce

Three Keys to Hiring Your Next VP of Ecommerce

The VP of Ecommerce is responsible for the success of (and the strategies behind) your organization’s ecommerce channel. In other words, the VP of Ecommerce is a role that is fully dedicated to managing, developing, and growing your organization’s ecommerce channel.

Hiring Your Digital Marketing Quarterback

Hiring Your Digital Marketing Quarterback

As author Roy T. Bennett once said, “If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.”
Marketing changed drastically when the internet became everyone’s main source of information. Digital marketing is now cheaper, faster, more measurable and more engaging than traditional marketing.

Three Keys to Hiring Your Next Chief Revenue Officer

Three Keys to Hiring Your Next Chief Revenue Officer

The Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) leverages knowledge of sales and marketing in order to manage (and drive growth of) an organization’s revenue streams. The Chief Revenue Officer is responsible for developing strategic partnerships and aligning all of the organization’s revenue-generating departments.

3 Keys to the Champion Mindset of a Chief Digital Officer

3 Keys to the Champion Mindset of a Chief Digital Officer

The Chief Digital Officer (CDO) is typically a company’s principal leader in the digital transformation process. 84% of companies fail at digital transformation, and the average tenure of a CDO is shorter than other C-Suite roles. Of course, there are many reasons for this; it isn’t easy to serve as the primary transformation leader and intermediary between other executives and functions in the creation and rollout of digital initiatives. In order to be successful as a CDO, you must have a champion mindset.

Five Keys to Optimizing a Remote Sales Team

Five Keys to Optimizing a Remote Sales Team

The record player was once the foremost way of consuming music. The record was removed from its sleeve, placed in the record player, and the needle was set just right. Records were awesome in their day. But skip a few tracks into the future and they’re antiquated. Now, we search and download music with just a few clicks. We create our own playlists with ease and we carry them everywhere. Music has advanced.

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