We help hiring managers quickly identify and hire unique talent.

We exist to help our clients outperform their competition through better talent acquisition. Our candidate search process places people with proven experience to work for you, while helping candidates elevate their careers. Our fee structure is straightforward, helping to streamline the process.

C-Suite Digital Leadership

We seek out the most transformational, high-impact Chief Digital Officers, digitally savvy Chief Marketing Officers, and growth-focused Chief Revenue Officers who get that robust digital channels are absolutely critical for success in the role.

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Vice Presidents that Enhance Digital Leadership

These indispensable roles vary from the experienced VP of Marketing charged with overall marketing strategy, to newly created progressive roles such as the innovative VP of Content Strategy.

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Directors that Amplify Digital Marketing

These cornerstone roles require trailblazing, results-proven leaders to develop, implement and execute marketing initiatives.

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Do you have a critical digital role to fill?

As an executive digital-first staffing and recruiting agency, TeamBuilder Search helps get the right people, in the right seats, doing the right things.

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Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership Articles
CASE STUDY: Challenges Faced by CMOs in a Dynamic Business Landscape

CASE STUDY: Challenges Faced by CMOs in a Dynamic Business Landscape

Respondent Overview: A recent poll conducted among 20 Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) uncovered insights into the critical challenges faced by marketing leaders today. The participants, drawn from a range of industries including technology, finance, marketing, retail and nonprofit organizations, highlighted three key areas of concern: balancing short-term and long-term objectives, attracting top talent, and ensuring appropriate data sharing across functions.

Remote Hiring Best Practices: Tools and Strategies for Success

Remote Hiring Best Practices: Tools and Strategies for Success

The rise of remote work has fundamentally changed the hiring landscape, creating new challenges and opportunities for hiring managers. As companies expand their talent search beyond geographic boundaries, the need for efficient, effective remote hiring practices has never been greater. To hire the best talent remotely, it’s crucial to adopt the right tools and strategies at every stage of the process—from sourcing candidates to onboarding them as productive team members.

6 Tips on How to Build a Strong Talent Pool

6 Tips on How to Build a Strong Talent Pool

To create a talent pool that delivers real value, you need a strategic approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building and nurturing a strong talent pool: 1. Define Your Future Hiring Needs The first step is to identify the types of roles you will likely need to...

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